We’re glad you’ll be doing Online Zoom Lessons with West Coast Music Academy. Here is some information on how to get started. Remember, that the video lessons will be a continuation of your weekly appointment on your regular lesson day and time with your teacher, but you'll get to stay home and stay healthy while continuing to learn and improve on your instrument. Here's how it works:

iPhone/iPad/Android Instructions

1) Download Zoom Cloud Meetings app to your mobile device or by visiting The Zoom website if you’re on a computer

2) Open app and click "Join a Meeting" (see the blue button below)


3) Enter your Teacher’s Meeting ID (PMI) - (see the button above or below marked “Teacher Meeting ID’s”for the complete list) - Click “Join”


laptop/desktop instructions

1) Visit zoom.us on your preferred browser (Safari, Chrome, etc.)

2) When the page opens, click “Join a Meeting” in the top, right hand corner

Screen Shot 2020-03-30 at 12.40.44 PM.png

3) On the next screen you will enter your teacher’s PMI Number

4) Upon entering the number, if you don’t have the Zoom app on your computer it will prompt you to download it. If you already have it, the app should open and ask if you want to connect using “Internet Audio” - click yes

5) After that you should be connected to your teacher’s waiting room and, once they admit you from their waiting you will be able to see and hear them!

THAT'S IT! It's really easy. If you would like more detailed instructions please click here for our YouTube Tutorial Video.

In the meantime, let us know if you have any questions. We are here to help 7 days a week, and happy to assist you!

Thank you!

The WCMA Staff